I have successfully completed the first Level of the Master Spinner's program offered from Olds College, Alberta Canada . It's a course that you take, full time, five days. There are five levels and each one concentrates on different aspects of spinning. Level 6 is basically a final exam and a project (think thesis).
For Level 1, the concentration is learning to spin both worsted and woolen yarn (long draw, for the most part) from fleece which you've scoured/washed and carded yourself. There was written work (my paper was 10k words) and I think 40 skeins. Granted, the skeins were only 10 yards each, but still, an incredible amount of spinning. There was also a dye module. We had to prepare 10 different natural dyes. It was a ton of work! Now that I'm done, I feel a bit relieved and I'm ready to start level two, which will be in four short weeks. Hence, the reason for resurrecting my blog. If I track, maybe I'll stay on top of my work. My goal is to finish it by February. I want to have time to knit and spin what I want. I'm hoping we'll have a big enough group to do Level 3 next summer but we'll see. This stuff is time consuming and expensive but there has to be life in retirement. Having a Master Spinner certificate or even the knowledge will give me some options.
As far as knitting, I just finished Crooked Cathedral! A wonderful pattern, takes one large skein of fingering (I left off the last two rows and had only a few yards left of my 400 yard fingering skein.) and is a relatively fast knit. Not blocked yet. Doing that tomorrow morning.
To catch up, let's see, four years. I got a puppy from Maple Lane Shelties for Christmas 2012.
Isn't she adorable? She's one here and full sized. We love her very much.
I got a Hitchhiker Spinning Wheel from Dave at Merlin Tree, 2013 Maryland Sheep and Wool. We were off to a rocky start together but we're good now.
Don't you love the color? She's a custom.

For now, I leave you with a picture of my favorite dessert, chocolate mousse cake. Next post, we'll discuss the After Thought Heel and a new spindle.