Short Track Medal

Short Track Medal

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

A Crisis in Two Parts.

I did a bad thing. I think I lost DD's most prized possession: Lamby. In the midst of the running around on Monday, we went to Target and the Supermarket. They are in adjoining parking lots here but I did put everyone in the car and I did change parking spots. I cannot even remember if Lamby went along with us or not. I think she did, after all, Lamby goes everywhere. EVERYWHERE. Lamby has been with DD since birth. She was there through walking, first steps, thumb sucking, potty training, sleeping with DD forever. Once, Lamby was lost but DD knew where she left her and we went right back and got her. Rescued her. And now, I went to Target and the Supermarket Lamby. We thought Lamby was in the van, no dice...

I ordered another on on Amazon but it won't be the same. The Blue Fairy will have to come and leave the replacement in her bed and hopefully DD will wake up and have her Lamby there and all will be well. I should have taken overnight delivery on this thing. Hopefully, it won't be too long.
We may've lost Lamby in the house..I couldn't tell you!
I remember when I was about her age, I got sick on my Teddy and my father replaced it. I still have the replacement to this very day. It was ok, but not the same. It was only a short time before I became very attached to the replacement. I think it's all got to do with it's the way that she goes to sleep. She used a substitute last night, a pink bear. Let's see what transpires....

No pictures, the sock isn't done. I ripped it out from toe to gusset decrease. I'm an idiot. I use this same copied pattern and sometimes I make the 60 sts cast on one and others the 72 st one. I should just use a different copy but I'm so lazy. Remember, don't knit when you're tired!!! Sigh. So, it'll take another day or so.

Happy Birthday America! 231 years old today! Wasn't only last year that we were celebrating the Bicentennial? Tall Ships and Operation Sail? Time just sails by...doesn't it?

Well, have a great day. I'm back to looking for Lamby....I leave you with a picture of them, with Lamby..and Blue Puppy, who is still safe and sound in the house.

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