Short Track Medal

Short Track Medal

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Socks on Vacation - Part I

Let's begin, "Vacation Series", a group of smaller posts because I have a lot to say and alot to catch up on. First off,

I'm Back! Froot Loops are Done!

We took a week's vacation in the Adirondacks, starting on August 5. Yes, something weird did happen on that day. I had everything packed up and we needed one more bag for extra shoes. DH went downstairs and brought up this bag and I opened it up and found out that it was an old overnight bag that my father used for golfing. It had his had, a pencil, a change of clothes, a hairbrush and his glasses in it. Weird that I should find that on the five year anniversary of his passing. It was like he was saying hello......

Anyway, we packed up everything for car a the Adirondacks. The weather forecast was rain every day. Wet...damp....DH being sick, kids coughing. So, we went. Little Zoey went off to the vet's to spend a week on vacation in a crate being boarded and getting a spa treatment. I gave my son a half does of dramamine for the ride, my neighbor watched Bonnie, my 15 year old Shelty, and off we went. Not having any compassion, I let DH drive all 286 miles so that I could finish up Butter Peeps socks....We later found out that he does, in fact, have pneumonia, which explains his lack of doing anything so I have cut him some slack and allowed him to sleep in this morning. We arrived at the Yogi Bear Campground in North Hudson, NY around dinner time, August 5th. It was dry when we got there but they were predicting rain. We were able to set up the tent and have dinner and get the kids to bed before the rain came. And rain it did. Hours and hours of nasty rain, thunder, lightening, luckily with little to no wind. The next morning, a deluge. We got up and went out for breakfast. There was a small amount of water that came into the tent. It came up from the bottom, through the tarp, through the floor and through the interior tarp. The ground was so wet that I seriously doubt that that could've been helped.

The whole time we were there, it rained. Every day. Even so, we were able to squeeze in a few activities between the raindrops. We hit Lake George the first day, where it cleared a bit. We went to Fort Ticonderoga to go to Rite Aid and visit Lake Champlain briefly. We did make it up to Whiteface Mountain for the Memorial Highway Drive, something that was on my "Things to do Before I Die list". We made it over to Lake Placid for a stroll through the town. We also stopped at Lake George on the way home for breakfast and made a stop in Saratoga for a snack. I have many, many pictures for you and will show you a few each day. My socks had a great time. DH is worn out. I was a sport and drove home from Lake George to the bottom of the NYS Thruway in the driving rain for a good part of the trip. He finished up the last 80 or so miles. As for the kids, they could care less about the weather. They were happy to be away, running around and having fun. I am not a fan of camping, especially in the rain, but I must say that is is really good for them. It tears them away from the regular life and gives them a chance to actually play with other kids. Play like in the old days. Bikes, hide and seek, toast marshmallows, things like we did when we were kids.

Now for the first part of the Photo Album..

Home Away from Home...?

Our View of the Schroon River

Flowers at Lake George (Note: I like this photo very much, it is one of the top five I took this trip)

Froot Loops in Smooshy Butter Peeps over Lake Champlain

Fort Ticonderoga Ferry, Lake Champlain

Froot Loops over Lake Champlain

I tried something a little different on these socks, twisting the picked up stitches. I won't do that again. I need to work on neatness there. That one spot of knitting socks is what separates the Men from the Boys. It looks very professional if you get the gussets nice. More on this when I block them and photograph them on blockers.

Well, time to do 18 loads of wash. Please tune in tomorrow for a glimpse of my new project plus some really special eye candy. Here's a sneak "Peak", New Yorks High Peaks and Socks....."Ultimate Eye Candy".

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