Short Track Medal

Short Track Medal

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Playing Catch Up

Well hello there, remember me?

Sorry that I've been away so long but I've been watching the kids and spinning and spinning and spinning as well as working on my fledgling Etsy shop. Below are two new listings. Both are spun from Colonial Wool which I enjoyed spinning very much. I was not expecting it to be as soft as it was and I will definitely buy some again. It's lovely and the colors were scrumptious! These are all Navajo plied, my latest craze. I love round yarn. I am finally so pleased with my spinning that I can barely contain myself. Looks like the kind you buy in the store, doesn't it?

This week, I'm on vacation and have been doing things with the kids. The weather has been so-so here but we did get a nice stretch to hit the beach. Here's some cool clouds.

Awesome clouds, hah?

I have a nice ocean shot but my computer seems to have misplaced it....:( I'll find it and make it eye candy some Friday. Oh wait, tomorrow is Friday already! Sheesh! Time flies. One more day off and it's back to the rockpile!

They also built a spray park, a great idea. See that 'brick' wall? It's plastic. Patterned, molded to look like brick. Amazing what they can do with soda bottles these days. The spray park is a great idea because the kids can go there after the beach and get rid of all the sand. It's private so it's generally not overly crowded. I love Tobay Beach.

My babies are growing up. Missy is going to lose her second bottom tooth any day and my son has his four front ones in. He's entered the beaver stage but doesn't really look as bad as some kids do.

We also went to the see the movie Ice Age 3 in 3D. It was my first time seeing a 'real 3d' movie and it was AWESOME. The glasses weren't those stupid funky colored ones that you cut out off of the back of a cereal box. They were like cheap plastic sunglasses. I didn't get a headache and they fit over my regular glasses. Stuff popped right off the screen at us. It was so cool! I really only liked the effects, lame storyline. Like, beating a dead horse. It's the issue I have with most sequels, hard to top the original. My son was in heaven and leaned over and said to me, 'Mom, how do you like it so far? This is awesome!'. I was happy mostly because he was concerned about me, that's a good thing. If I ever let him get married, I'm sure he'll make a good husband.

On the knitting front, I decided I didn't like my toe up socks and ripped them out. I also have been working on a black pair for hubby for like, eons... I have been turning the bulk of my attention to spinning and haven't been knitting! I must've spun 30 miles of yarn this month.

I've also been playing with photoshop and I'm running low on disk space on my computer. This is not good considering that I just (FINALLY) bought a macro lens. I am very excited over the lens and can't wait to receive it. I bought it online, natch. It should be here in about a week. Hasn't shipped yet. Pooh.

Stay tuned for macro lens pictures. The bugs, raindrops and other things are waiting!

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