After that was done, (after being prodded) I picked up the Shawl Collar Sweater, a Martin Storey pattern that has been annoying me and has been in hibernation for many moons. I was 99% done and had to frog the front because of the bad directions. The back is knit to a certain length but the front is knit to a certain number of rows. Dumb. I nailed stitch gauge but not row gauge (does anyone really check their row gauge consistently?) and...well, you know what happened. So, the sweater stayed in a bag on the floor, in the corner of a room since October 2008.
Being it's cold, DH said, "What about my nice sweater?" And so, last night, I finished the front. This morning, I knit the collar and all I need to do now is sew up the sleeves and side seams and find a button and we're ready to go. YAY! Pictures soon!
In the meantime, Elizzabetty came over last night for tea and knitting. She's working on her second Clapotis, you know the pattern that everyone in the world has knit except me. She says that I should knit it. My next project is going to be my Knitting Olympics project, the Kiri Shawl. In fact, I ordered 3 skeins of STR Lightweight in Rosebud just for the occassion, tracked it via the USPS as it crossed the country and ripped open the package on Friday night. I ten stuck my head in the plastic bag to breathe in the yarn fumes. All the while, thinking how much I love that smell, I was itching to start something new. Alas, I had to wait for the Olympics...a full week away.
So...a nice easy warm up project is in order. A pair of socks? Nah, taking a break from sock knitting. Not up to working on Heartland Lace shawl being I'm going to be doing chart knitting very soon for the Kiri shawl (which appears to be much easier). So, Elizzabetty jumped up and down, "Knit a Clapotis!!! A Clapotis!" Ok, ok...but out of what yarn? I don't have 900 yards of anything in my stash! (Amazing, but true. I really try to buy what I intend to use!) I have some beautiful Llama but only 550 or so. Hmmn...I thought about doing it on tiny needles with two skeins, alternating, of Dream in Color Smooshy. In Vino Veritas and Gothic Rose. Here they are entwined. I think that that would look REALLY SUPER COOL!

I even wound them into balls and then changed my mind. Not for long though, they could be knit together into something else. The colors are close enough to mix them up and acheive something. In fact, some of Gothic Rose appears in In Vino Veritas. They're both beautiful.
But no, fingering weight, big project, 4 days...
Off to get milk and eggs and fill the gas tank this afternoon so I stopped into one of the two LYSs that I frequent, Infinite Yarns in Farmingdale. I am so pleased (and fortunate) to have this store relatively nearby. They have been increasing the stockpile of yarns, they carry stuff that isn't readily available elsewhere and the selection keeps growning! They have tons of books, a nice knitting nook where people where gathered knitting around a table. And, on the table were some delicious chocolate chip cookies...and other delectable goodies. I must get there for knit nite sometime (Friday, 7PM!) but it's so hard when one has a family to take care of. We'll see.
So, after tossing my head and looking all over, i was thinking about how nice the Clapotis would look in Debbie Bliss Rialto. It's one of my favorite yarns and it knits up beautifully. However, I am trying to keep to my yarn diet (and fell off the wagon earlier in the week with the STR Rosebud.) So, I was a good Punkin and got 4 skeins of Cascade 220 Heather in Navy.Ok, off to start this. Stay tuned. Snowstorm headed this way, maybe I'll be knitting more than originally planned.
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