Well, isn't that an interesting title for today's post? Why, you ask? Let me tell you. Firstly, Gryffindor. DS wants the Quidditch sweater from Charmed Knits and I ordered the yarn for it in Gryffindor colors. Eve of Destruction because tomorrow is the first day of kindergarten. The day that the school system officially takes my baby boy away from me. I'll be in tears and he can't wait to go. Of course, this isn't too big of a change for him. He's been in a daycare/school setting since he was born but now it's official. :(

First, I have alot of pictures to share today! I took this first shot because it was the most adorable little stick of butter I ever saw. Isn't it cute?
I sure thought so. It's a half a stick, a peanut! A baby butter stick. Now, is that a good way to cut calories or what!?

Next up, Gryffindor colors from my most recent yarn order.
Official Gryffindor colors to make a nice Quidditch sweater and possibly a nice scarf for him. It's Plymouth Encore, my first project with it.

Our next photo is a picture of one of my DS's notebook covers. He'll be working out of three notebooks. Times have sure changed. When I was in Kindergarten is was just paint, blocks or color, cookies and milk. Now, it's real work! Anyway, look closely at the cover, it has a field that I didn't have on mine and it really caught my eye....

It's the third line. I think it used to say Name, Subject and Class? OK, bored yet? Time for some nicer things. For Labor Day, we went to the Theodore Roosevelt Park in Oyster Bay.
I had never been there before and it was lovely. That's an inlet from the LI Sound and it's hilly, as close as we get to mountains on Long Island! 

Here's some more, a shot of low tide one of my happy hubby and his happy wife. As you can see, everyday is bliss and I remind of him of that regularly. DS took the picture of us, that's why it's a little crooked and also the reason I posted it. I don't appear in too many pictures.... You can see even more Long Island Mountains in the background. There are some houses in those hills and they cost double digits millions. What a gorgeous view and what a gorgeous day!

We had some snacks for lunch at the picnic tables and discussed next year's vacation. We are considering camping with two or three other families for a long weekend up at Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park. This would be next summer but I have to plan now. This would involve a purchase of tons of camping equipment as I am not a camper, I am a Holiday Inn kind of gal. I suppose I could last in a tent as long as I wasn't in the backwoods like the Yarn Harlot did this past weekend. It would be car camping, real facilities. I just picture the 3AM, "mommy, I have to go potty" and there being bears out there. I wouldn't be afraid if it was Yogi and Cindy Bear though so Jellystone it is. LL Bean, here I come.....
I have been avoiding the issue but I should update you on the Wallaby and the Sailor's Rib sock.
First,the Wallaby. I was happily knitting along and came to a knot in the yarn. I'll be able to hide it behind the pouch. That hasn't really grown much since I last showed it to you.
As for the sock, this twisted ribbing and ribbing in general is just a slow go. I also had to rip out 10 rows because I skipped a row and didn't notice. It looks like an easier pattern than it is I think. It's not hard but requires some thinking, certainly not mindless knitting. It looks very nice and makes for an interesting fabric and I am beginning to actually like the Tofutsies that I'm making it out of, except for the color.

They're coming along nicely. I'm going to try and finish them this week but we'll have to see how it goes. I'll be home all week, working Thursday and Friday from home. Next day in the office is September 10th, DD's fourth birthday! 

So, I think that that is all I have for now. Time to get running around, doing errands, returning a library book that is past due and cleaning up even more.
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